Biblioteca de materials SCORM

Base de dades de materials en format SCORM.

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per EOICampus - 1 de Setembro de 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

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This is a listening comprehension pathway about what people do every day. First there is a song about a boy's daily routines; then, an activity about what you do every day; then, a video about an English teacher's day; and finally, an activity with adverbs of frequency ("how often" adverbs).

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 1 de Setembro de 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

Here's a listening comprehension activity with a video from the film "The Terminal": A man goes to New York but he doesn't speak much English. Before that, students find some vocabulary about travel and questions about how to "survive" in English. After the video, there's an activity with useful sentences in English for tourists.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 1 de Setembro de 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

This sequence of activities is about asking for and giving directions (instructions about how to get to a place). There is activity with prepositions and adverbs, and then listening comprehension activities with videos of people asking for and giving directions. Between the videos, there is an activity with questions.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 1 de Setembro de 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

This sequence of activities is about personal information, with an emphasis on asking questions. There is a video interview, an activity with questions, and another activity where students watch a video and write questions.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 1 de Setembro de 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

Listening comprehension activities with videos with the pronunciation of the names of the letters, a "Sesame Street" sketch connected with letters, abbreviations, spelling names, and a song with letters. Students have to spell several words, including their name, in an English-speaking country!

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 1 de Setembro de 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

The activities in this pathway are about different food that is prepared in different parts of the world. Students will learn about food in England, Ethiopia, Italy, France, and, of course, Spain. They will be able to practise the use of quantifiers and the use of connectors to indicate the steps of a process.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes

Objectius Food in the World

per EOICampus - 20 de Xullo de 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

A video where an Irish reporter shows us around the city of Sydney. Because there are a lot of numbers in the video, find a number dictation too.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 20 de Xullo de 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

The videos in this pathway show several street festivals in Britain: Bonfire Night, the Chinese New Year, and the Notting Hill Carnival. Before the videos, some questions to activate your vocabulary about festivals. After the videos, a vocabulary activity.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 20 de Xullo de 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

In some schools in non-English-speaking countries, subjects like science or mathematics are taught in English. The video in this pathway shows one in France. Also, find an activity about how you learned your English, vocabulary about schools and languages, and a text about teaching other subjects in English.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 20 de Xullo de 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

Cycling has become very popular in cities, with bicycle-sharing services. This pathway contains a newspaper article about Bicing in Barcelona and a video about Vélib in Paris; it also contains an activity on word formation.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes