Biblioteca de materials SCORM

Base de dades de materials en format SCORM.

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per EOICampus - 20 juillet 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

A listening comprehension-based pathway about famous natural landmarks that tourists visit. Find vocabulary connected with places in nature, a podcast introducing four world famous natural landmarks, texts about endangered natural landmarks, and a video about tourism on the Galapagos Islands.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 20 juillet 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

Some cities have thought of solutions for traffic congestion: the video shows the examples of Sydney and London. The measures are controversial: find a reading with people's opinions and an example of a "for and against" essay (the piece of writing that shows the two sides of the debate).

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 20 juillet 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

A pathway about keeping New Year's resolutions. It includes a listening comprehension activity based on a video interview, tips for setting New Year's resolutions that you can keep, and proverbs in English in connection with doing things and persevering.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 20 juillet 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

Learn about customs that are OK in some countries but rude in others. Find a film scene showing differences between the US and India. But first, speculate about the film's main character from a photo, and find out about different customs from several commercials. Finally, some tips about India if you want to travel there.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 20 juillet 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

The man who invented the Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, talks about his creation and the ideas behind it. Because he is American, find an activity about differences in British and American pronunciation; also, find a game of "hangman" with words connected to the Internet.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 20 juillet 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

You will find a video report about a man who decides not to follow the convention and to take his wife's name. It is introduced by a text about the convention concerning names that the man does not follow. Also, find an activity about spelling names.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 20 juillet 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Macintosh, tells a story of his life to show the importance of learning. He uses sentences in the third conditional; find some practice. Also, find an Apple commercial connected with learning and an activity for you to reflect on how you learn best.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 20 juillet 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

In this pathway you will be able to reflect on the issue of crime and punishment, practice vocabulary related to this topic, listen to an audio on crime in the news, watch a video on a creative judge who applies alternative sentences to offenders and offer your own creative sentences for different crimes.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 20 juillet 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

The aim of this pathway is to get yourselves a little bit more familiarized with (mostly spontaneous) spoken American English through a series of videos dealing with a familiar topic of everyday life: love relationships, both online and offline.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 20 juillet 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

If something "had you in stitches", it made you roll with laughter. The pathway introduces two difficult aspects of any foreign language: humour and accents. You'll find television comedy in several English accents (British, American and Irish).

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes