Biblioteca de materials SCORM

Base de dades de materials en format SCORM.

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per EOICampus - 20 July 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

This pathway revolves around an excerpt from a 2004 documentary about advertising called "The Persuaders". The excerpt is divided into three parts, and it contains abstract concepts. Before that, find a couple of introductions with TV commercials, some of which are mentioned in the documentary.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 20 July 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

This pathway contains listening comprehension activities based on videos about a couple of contemporary art works and poses the question, "Is it art?" (and, consequently, "What is art?")

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 20 July 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

A Canadian journalist shows how she packs a suitcase in a TV chat show. It is an informal conversation (which, naturally, includes unfinished sentences; find an activity where you guess the missing words), and it mentions brand names and household objects that may be unknown to us.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 20 July 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

Let's gossip about people who are "famous for being famous" (an obvious example: Paris Hilton). Find a news report on an American celebrity who has had plastic surgery, and, for some very informal language, a few posts from the famous gossip blog

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 20 July 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

Here are video reports about a Finnish biology teacher, first in her school and then in a school in England. Her experiences and conclusions can serve as a starting point for a class discussion on what a good education system involves.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 20 July 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

This pathway is about a series of novels that take place in San Francisco, their TV adaptation, and their author. Find videos and an excerpt from the first book in the series.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 15 July 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

In this pathway students discover people's passions as they practise their reading and listening skills, along with some grammar activities about frequency adverbs and about pronouns and possessive adjectives.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes

Hobbies - Objectives

per EOICampus - 15 July 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

In this pathway students learn vocabulary related to some common house types and read about and listen to people talking about either their houses or the area where they live. They also practise how to use some common prepositions and how to express purpose.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes

A Place to Live - Objectives

per EOICampus - 15 July 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

This pathway is mainly about tennis and football but students also learn some vocabulary related to other sports as well. The different texts will help them to develop their reading and listening skills and they will be able to practise reported speech in statements and questions.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes

Tennis and Football - Objectives

per EOICampus - 15 July 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

In this pathway all the activities deal with different types of shops and shopping. At the same time, students revise the use of the present simple and continuous, as well as the formation of the plural and the genitive 's.


Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes

Shop Until You Drop - Objectives