Biblioteca de materials SCORM

Base de dades de materials en format SCORM.

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tot i que es poden incloure a un curs Moodle com a "activitat SCORM".
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  • Com incloure un objecte SCORM a un curs de Moodle


Tingueu en compte que la llicència genèrica del lloc és Creative Commons Reconeixement - No comercial - Compartir igual (text legal), de manera que tingueu cura amb els drets d'autoria. El fet de pujar un material implica que coneixeu i accepteu les "Condicions d'ús" del servei.

En particular, totes les imatges que utilitzeu als materials han d'estar referenciades i tenir una llicència Creative Commons.

Nivell educatiu:
Àrea curricular:
Àmbit competencial:

per EOICampus - 22 de Setembro de 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

Reportage sur le digicode, gardien des immeubles français. Vous pouvez rafraîchir ou apprendre le sens de quelques mots (Digicode, Des mots à  comprendre 1 et 2), travailler la compréhension globale (Le digicode) et la compréhension détaillée (Digicode versus interphone).


per EOICampus - 22 de Setembro de 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

Présentation pas à  pas d'une recette de cuisine exotique et traditionnelle. Vous pouvez travailler le lexique (Ingrédients, Opérations, A table!) et la compréhension détaillée (Quoi faire avec quoi?)

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 7 de Setembro de 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

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Students watch a series of videos on the problems facing today’s educational system and measures taken by several alternative schools to solve those problems. They practice the skills of note-taking, paraphrasing and condensing, putting together an outline of the main points covered and using this outline to write a summary and to give a presentation. Students then discuss the advantages of the various alternative learning environments and which would be the most appropriate school for different types of students.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 7 de Setembro de 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

In this set of activities students watch excerpts of a comic British series portraying some foreign people learning English and some misunderstandings that take place as a consequence of their poor command of the language.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 7 de Setembro de 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

Students watch a series of videos on the effects of the food we eat, how it is grown and how it is marketed on our health, our society and our environment. They practice the skills of note-taking, paraphrasing and condensing, putting together an outline of the main points covered and using this outline to write a summary and to give a presentation. Students then select relevant information from the presentations to use as arguments in a letter to the authorities on behalf of a neighborhood association.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 7 de Setembro de 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

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In this path students watch some videos on the topics of happiness, motivation, success and creativity. They will be asked to identify the problems that non-natives face and the strategies used to get their message across. They will be asked to identify some errors the speaker makes and reflect on their own learning process. They will also be asked to express their views on the topics presented.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 7 de Setembro de 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

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In this set of activities students watch videos on the plans of urban development that different towns have implemented and the problems they have faced. Students will be asked to summarize texts and to express their opinion on the topic.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 1 de Setembro de 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

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In this pathway students watch documentaries and read texts about Scotland: the history, the traditions, famous people, the cities...They also have the opportunity to learn some vocabulary for describing places and learn how to give advice and express preference.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes

Scotland pathway objectives

per EOICampus - 1 de Setembro de 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

In 2009, a tourism agency in Australia offered "The Best Job in the World". Students answer questions about what they think "the best job in the world" is; then there is a video report about this particular job in Australia, the advertisement, a video where six candidates talk about themselves, and an article about the winner.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes


per EOICampus - 1 de Setembro de 2015

LE-Llengües estrangeres

0 descàrregues

These videos are not "for students of English", but the topic is familiar to them. The aim is to get students accustomed to listening without having to understand absolutely everything. The videos are: a biography (with verbs in the simple past) and instructions for a dance (with adverbs and vocabulary about the body.) At the end, a song.

Material d'ús exclusiu de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes